“寓言故事”英语作文大全 “寓言故事”英语作文模板集锦


“寓言故事”英语作文大全 “寓言故事”英语作文模板集锦


Once there were three foxes, they worked together. They lived a happy life. Little by little, the youngest fox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. The eldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too. Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiled. The eldest fox opened a new hill again. The second eldest fox dug a pool. Two of them because rich soon. The youngest fox ate up the food left by the other two foxes. In the end it felt so cold and hungry that it could not stand up.

 从前有三只狐狸,他们愉快地工作和居住在一起。最小的狐狸又 懒又坏,经常同其他的两只狐狸争吵,气走了它的大哥和二哥。最小 的狐狸得意地住在温暖的房子里享受着丰富的食品。老大重新开了一 块小山坡种地。老二挖了池塘,不久他们过上了富裕的生活。最小的 狐狸吃完了那些狐狸留下的所有食物,最后又冷又饿连站也站不起来。







Time is 8 years old, and follows her own ideas. When her parents tell her to do something, she always doesn’t do it. Today, she will go to a friend’s birthday party. She is now choosing skirt to wear. She has three skirts: a blue skirt, a white one and a yellow one. She asks her father, “Which one is the best?” her father says, “I think the blue one is the best.” Then she asks her mother,”Which one do you think is the best?” Her mother answers, ” The white one , of course!” Tina says, “Thank you.”

Then she puts on the yellow shirt and goes out.

缇娜 8 岁了, 她又自己的主意。当她的父母要她做事时,她总是 不去做。 今天,她将去参加一位朋友的生日聚会。她在选择穿哪一条裙子. 她又三条裙子:一条是蓝裙子,一条白裙子和一条黄裙子。 她问她的 父亲:”哪条裙子是最好的?”她的父亲说:”我认为蓝色是最好的。”她 问她的母亲:”你认为哪条裙子是最好的.?”她的母亲回答:”当然是白 色的了。”缇娜说:”谢谢。”她穿上黄色的裙子出去了。


Thereisachildinfrontofcitywalltocatchthegrasshopper,lyseeascorpionson,hetothinkisalsograsshopper,rpionsonraiseshispoisontostab say:“come,ifyoureallydaretodolikethis,connectyourgrasshopperthatcatchtoalsowouldentirelylose.”




Once a simpleton’s wife told him to buy some ice. Two hours later, he didn’t come back. She wanted to know why he didn’t come back and went out to have a look. She saw he was standing in the sun at the gate and watching the ice melting. “What’s the matter?” She asked him. “Why don’t you bring it in?” “I saw the ice was wet and I was afraid that you would scold me so I’m running it dry.” The simpleton answered.

从前有一个笨人的妻子让她的丈夫买几块冰。 两个小时后,他还没回来。 她想知道他为什么没回来,就出去看了看,发现她的丈夫在门口 站着,在太阳下晒冰,看着冰融化。 她问他:”怎么啦?你为什么不把它拿进来?” “我看见冰是湿的,恐怕你会训斥我,因此,我正在把它晒干。” 笨人回答道。


Better late than never

Once upon a time, someone raised a sheep. One morning, he found a sheep missing. After careful examination, he found that the sheepfold had broken a hole. At night, the wolf came in and took one of the sheep. The neighbour advised him, “Repair the sheepfold and plug the hole!” The man refused to accept the advice and answered, “What’s the sheep doing when they’ve lost it?”

The next morning, he found another sheep missing. Originally, the wolf came in from the hole and took a sheep. He regretted that he had not listened to his neighbour’s advice, so he quickly blocked the hole and repaired the sheepfold. Since then, wolves can no longer get into the sheepfold to catch sheep.

The story tells us: make a mistake, suffer setbacks, it is a common phenomenon. As long as can learn seriously, to take remedial measures in time, can avoid continue to make mistakes, suffer greater losses.






 The Father and His Son

  Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.

  He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: “My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks.”




Three Foxe

  Once there were three foxes, they worked together. They lived a happy life. Little by little, the youngest fox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. The eldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too. Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiled. The eldest fox opened a new hill again. The second eldest fox dug a pool. Two of them because rich soon. The youngest fox ate up the food left by the other two foxes. In the end it felt so cold and hungry that it could not stand up.




A great mountain

Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake.People came from far and near to see what would happen.

“A great river will be born.” said one.”Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will come out.” said another.”A god himself will spring form these rocks.” said a third.Finally, after days of expectation a small crack appeared in the mountain. And out popped — a mouse.Just because someone makes a lot of fuss, it doesn’t mean he is important.
















Draw a Snake and Add Feet to It

Long long ago, several people had a jar of wine among them and all of them wanted to drink it by himself. So they set a rule that every one would draw a snake on the ground and the man who finished first would have the wine.

One man finished his snake very soon and he was about to drink the wine when he saw the others were still busy drawing, so he decided to draw the feet to the snake.

However, before he could finish the feet, another man finished and grabbed the jar from him, saying, “Who has ever seen a snake with feet?”

The story of “Draw a snake and add feet to It.” tells us going too far is as bad as not going far enough.







Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, “What happened?”

“A kid bit me,” replied Ivan.

“Would you recognize him if you saw him again?” asked his mother.

“Id know him any where,” said Ivan. “I have his ear in my pocket.”






Which Skirt to Wear?

Time is 8 years old, and follows her own ideas. When her parents tell her to do something, she always doesn’t do it.

Today, she will go to a friend’s birthday party. She is now choosing skirt to wear. She has three skirts: a blue skirt, a white one and a yellow one.

She asks her father, “Which one is the best?” her father says, “I think the blue one is the best.” Then she asks her mother, “Which one do you think is the best?” Her mother answers, ” The white one , of course!” Tina says, “Thank you.”

Then she puts on the yellow shirt and goes out.


缇娜8岁了, 她又自己的主意。当她的父母要她做事时,她总是不去做。

今天,她将去参加一位朋友的生日聚会。她在选择穿哪一条裙子. 她又三条裙子:一条是蓝裙子,一条白裙子和一条黄裙子。 她问她的父亲:”哪条裙子是最好的?”她的父亲说:”我认为蓝色是最好的。”她问她的母亲:”你认为哪条裙子是最好的?”她的母亲回答:”当然是白色的了。”缇娜说:”谢谢。”她穿上黄色的裙子出去了。










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