尊重别人就是尊重自己英语作文模板 尊重别人也会被尊重英语作文怎么写


尊重别人就是尊重自己英语作文模板 尊重别人也会被尊重英语作文怎么写


Respect to Others

When it comes to the issue of respects, some people say that they will respect others in the condition that others show respect to them, and some people say that they only respect the stronger and richer persons. In my opinion, all men need to respect others and be respected.

Firstly, all men are born to be equal. Regardleof one’s appearance, social status, health conditions and financial conditions, he has the right to be respected as a member of the society. Whereas, a criminal may be look down upon because equality is partly conditional. Since the criminal has done something harmful to the society, his rights are deprived by the law. But his basic human rights left will still be respected.

Secondly, respects, in other word, esteems are crucial to an individual. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, men have five levels of needs: physiological, safety, belonging/love, esteem and self-actualization. Since we are living in 21st. century, a peaceful time, the theme of our life is peace and developing. So when we have solved the problems of surviving and safety, we are eager to achieve the other three needs. Among the three, as far as I am concerned, esteem is the base of belonging and self-actualization. We cannot live freely and comfortable without others respects and esteem. Esteems are the beginning of love and the ultimate result of self-actualization.

To sum up, a healthy society contains respects of each other. Aesop said, treat other people as you hope they will treat you. Therefore, please show respects to other people and you will be respected.






Respecting others is a basic social etiquette and a noble character trait. We should respect every person, regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, profession, cultural background, and so on. We should respect their words and deeds, their rights, and their feelings.

Respecting others is not only a moral requirement, but also our own need. If we do not respect others, we will not be respected by others. If we do not respect the rights and feelings of others, they will not respect our rights and feelings either. If we are not friendly to others, they will not be friendly to us either. Therefore, respecting others is respecting ourselves, and we should keep this requirement in mind and abide by it at all times.

In short, respecting others is a very important social skill and character trait. If we can respect others, we can not only gain their respect, but also better integrate into society and build good interpersonal relationships.





Some say: respecting others is respecting oneself;

Some say: self-respect leads to respecting others;

Some say: if you respect others, they will respect you.

Respect is a sincere smile on one’s face; respect is listening to others’ different opinions; respect is applauding for the efforts of others. Respect seems to be dedicated to people around us.

We have all received education on “Kong Rong giving up the pears” since childhood, and we all know that we should give up our seats to the elderly on public transportation and not ridicule or mock disabled people. At first glance, these theories sometimes seem unreasonable. Why should we eat smaller pears when we are young? Why should we give up our seats if we are already tired? Why can’t we just say what we think in our hearts?

The real reason is: respecting others is respecting oneself.

There is a saying, “Give me a peach, and I’ll give you a white jade in return,” which means that if someone gives me a peach, I will return it with white jade. This is the rule of reciprocity. In human society, if you give one, you will get one in return. It will not be more or less, and it will be realized someday. This is the rule. The rules are equal to most people most of the time, so your respect and politeness towards others will leave a good impression in their hearts, and they will treat you as you do.

There may be counterexamples, but have you ever seen a rebellious boy who despises the world and wins others’ heartfelt respect? At most, he can only attract people’s curiosity by his “rebellion” and “uniqueness.”

Respect is a kind of wisdom because it is compassionate. It is not difficult to respect others and oneself’s similarities. The excitement of meeting like-minded people is enough to cover up the slightly dim light of “respect.” What is difficult is to respect others and oneself’s differences. You think smoking is harmful to health and pollutes the environment, but he sees it as a way to adjust. He says that life should be positive, enterprising, lively, and intense, but you only seek peace, tranquility, and comfort for the rest of your life. Everyone is different, and respect is to stick to one’s own life creed and use an objective perspective to appreciate others, not demanding similarities but facing differences.

Therefore, those who know how to respect others have comprehended the great wisdom of life. Therefore, they have an elegant posture and a calm demeanor because they have enough confidence to support themselves and enough tolerance to examine others. Therefore, they are respected by others because of the noble and harmonious aura they emit, which is truly attractive.

Respect can make people feel happy and breathe smoothly. Respect can change unfamiliar or sharp relationships. If there is enough respect for each other, war is not inevitable.

The ancients said that those who love others will always be loved, and those who respect others will always be respected.

Respect is not just for others to see.















During a tour, Charlie Chaplin met an admirer who had longed to meet him through a friend’s introduction. Charlie and the new acquaintance hit it off and quickly became good friends.

After the performance, the new friend invited Charlie to his home. Before dinner, the baseball-loving friend showed Charlie his collection of baseball-related memorabilia and enthusiastically talked about his favorite baseball games.

The friend was so passionate about baseball that once he started talking, he couldn’t stop. Charlie spoke less and mostly smiled and listened attentively while the friend talked.

Excitedly gesturing with both hands, the friend recounted a thrilling game that he had personally experienced, as if he was reliving the game. Charlie kept smiling and occasionally asked for more details about the game. The friend became increasingly excited, but was a little disappointed that he didn’t get the autograph of a star player from that game. However, his excitement over the game overshadowed his disappointment.

Lost in the excitement, the friend almost forgot about lunch until his wife reminded him to bring Charlie to the table. Everyone was in high spirits, especially Charlie and his new friend, who had a great time chatting.

After the local performance ended, the new friend was reluctant to say goodbye to Charlie and even escorted him far away before parting.

Soon after, the tour ended, and Charlie went to great lengths to find the baseball star his friend had mentioned and had him sign a baseball cap. Charlie personally sent the signed baseball cap to his baseball-obsessed friend who lived far away.

This puzzled those around Charlie because they knew he had little interest in baseball. They couldn’t imagine why someone who was not interested in baseball would go to such great lengths to get an autograph for a friend. Especially when they learned that Charlie had spent so much time listening to his friend talk about baseball, which he had no interest in.

Charlie was very relaxed and told those around him: “I am not interested in baseball, but my friend is. Respecting what others respect is the foundation of all friendships. Only then can others feel understood and respected.”

Later, when his friend heard Charlie’s words and received the signed baseball cap, he was deeply moved. The two remained lifelong friends. Many years later, with gray hair, he still spoke of Charlie with great admiration: “It was my greatest honor to be Charlie Chaplin’s friend. He taught me what true respect and friendship mean. His character illuminated my life.”












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